CBD For Energy: Does CBD Give You Energy?

CBD For Energy: Does CBD Give You Energy

CBD is everywhere: from capsules, gummies, lotions, energy drinks, and body treatments to dietary supplements. As more of its health benefits get confirmed by research, the more popular CBD gets. But can CBD help your energy levels?

I’ve been struggling with concentration for a while, so I decided to give CBD a try. I used CBD for energy for about six months and spent countless hours going over the available research. Today, I’ll explain how CBD works and if it can give you energy.


Quick Summary

  • CBD extracted from hemp plants is non-intoxicating.
  • CBD can increase your energy and make you feel refreshed.
  • You should use a small dose of CBD for higher energy levels.


What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, CBD, is one of over 100 organic chemical compounds in the cannabis plant. It’s one of two main active compounds next to THC. Unlike THC, it’s not intoxicating, which means it won’t make you feel high. 

There’s a wide range of CBD products: CBD oil, CBD topicals such as creams and lotions, gummies, CBD capsules, tinctures, and more. These contain various doses of CBD.

CBD is proven to help with chronic pain, cancer treatment, anxiety, other mental disorders, and more.

You can choose between three kinds of CBD:

  • Full-spectrum CBD — Contains all compounds in the cannabis plant, including THC.
  • Broad-spectrum CBD — Contains all compounds in the cannabis plant but no THC.
  • CBD isolate — Contains only CBD.


How Does CBD Work?

CBD works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system is a network of neurotransmitters and cannabinoid receptors that regulates body functions, such as metabolism, appetite, mood, pain, emotions, and many others. 

CBD interacts with the receptors of ECS, which increases the number of endocannabinoids in the body for better body functions. 

This is also how taking CBD provides an energy boost. A lower dose of CBD has a stimulating effect and can improve the synthesis in wakefulness in regions connected to the brain. 

Also, CBD’s interaction with the ECS system alters the sleep and wake cycles and provides more energy. 

Does CBD Give You Energy?

Does CBD Give You Energy?

Yes, CBD gives you energy. If your energy and focus levels are naturally low, CBD can combat this by interacting with the ECS. It makes changes in our body’s chemistry, increases energy levels, and provides mental clarity. 

One study found that CBD activates brain receptors responsible for waking us up, and another found that CBD activates neurons that make us alert.

Moreover, CBD can be used as a wake-promoting agent. CBD increases the levels of dopamine in the brain’s hypothalamus. Dopamine promotes wakefulness and is involved in learning and motivation. 

But CBD is also touted as a great sleep aid. The key is knowing how much CBD oil to consume for better energy. Low doses have alerting properties and increase wakefulness, while higher doses help us go to sleep.


How to Take CBD For Energy?

How to take CBD for energy depends on the hemp-derived CBD products you’re using. Each CBD product can impact your energy and mental clarity differently. 

When taking CBD for energy, you should know:

  • How long the product takes to work
  • How long the effects last
  • What dosage you should take

Here’s how to take each kind of CBD product for energy:

CBD Oil and CBD Tincture

CBD oil and tinctures are the most popular forms of taking CBD. They come with a dropper, so you have a precise dosage. CBD oils provide quick results. It’s best to choose a time of day when you feel low energy and take CBD oil at this time for the most benefits. 

CBD Edibles

CBD edibles are a fun and tasty way to consume CBD. You can choose CBD gummies, candies, bars, chocolates, and other options. Compared to CBD oil, CBD edibles take more time to start working because they need to be digested first.

CBD Capsules 

CBD Capsules are a discreet way to consume cannabidiol. Each capsule has a fixed dose of CBD, so you don’t need to use a dropper or worry about oil leaking. Their effect lasts longer than the oil, but they take more time to start working.

CBD Topicals

CBD topicals include creams, lotions, salves, gels, shampoos, and bath bombs. They provide a localized effect. CBD topicals provide a quick energy boost.

CBD Vapes

CBD vapes have quick absorption, which results in fast results. You inhale CBD from a vape pen. CBD goes into the bloodstream and doesn’t need to be digested, so you feel the effects in minutes.

Should You Try CBD for Energy?

Should You Try CBD for Energy?

CBD is a natural way to boost energy. It functions as a wake-promoting agent, and a small dose of CBD will boost your energy and make you feel refreshed. 

CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system and helps you control mood and energy levels. Moreover, it can even help you with pain and anxiety, so you can perform tasks with 100% focus.

Make sure to buy CBD products from third-party tested manufacturers like KeoniCBD and UNO CBD. Start with a small dose of CBD and see how it affects your energy before increasing it. Finally, consult your healthcare provider before consuming CBD, especially if you’re using other medication.



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