CBD Oil vs. Gummies: What’s the Difference?

CBD’s rise in popularity resulted in a huge increase in CBD products, which include different types of CBD oils and CBD gummies. The main difference between CBD oil and gummies is how they are consumed. 

I’ve tried several CBD oils and gummies, and today I’ll explain how they are similar and different and what’s the best product for you.


Quick Summary

  • CBD oil and CBD gummies are the two most popular CBD products.
  • You absorb CBD differently based on the product you choose.
  • There are several differences between CBD oil and gummies to keep in mind when shopping for the best CBD products for you.


What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is oil infused with CBD. It comes in a bottle with a dropper and is ingested orally by applying several drops under the tongue and holding for 30 to 60 seconds. CBD oil goes straight into the bloodstream through the tongue tissues. It affects the body faster than CBD gummies because it doesn’t need to be digested. 

CBD oil can be mixed with food and drinks, applied directly to the skin, and made at home. 

CBD oil is a great choice if you want a slow release. However, you need to be careful which oil you choose as a carrier for CBD. The most common carrier oils are MCT oil, olive, and avocado. Some users are allergic to certain oils, so always check the specific type of carrier oil the CBD oil contains.

CBD oils are full of nutrients. They can contain vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium, and more. Finally, these oils can be used for various purposes. You can use CBD oil to calm nerves and feel more relaxed, have better sleep, or apply it topically for better skin. 

What is CBD Oil?

What are CBD Gummies?

CBD gummies are edibles that contain CBD. They come in many different colors, shapes, and flavors. 

The main advantage of CBD edibles is that you don’t have to worry about dosing or sublingual application. Each CBD gummy is already infused with a dose of CBD, and you can consume CBD gummies the same as any other piece of candy.

CBD edibles are great for people new to CBD and don’t want to worry about figuring out the best dosage. 

Moreover, CBD gummies are the most discreet CBD product. They look like any other fruit-flavored gummy, so you can consume them wherever you are. These gummies give you a level of privacy that a CBD tincture doesn’t. 

However, CBD gummies are more expensive than CBD oils. They can contain:

  • Full-spectrum CBD — Contains all compounds found in the cannabis plant, including THC.
  • Broad-spectrum CBD — Contains all compounds in the cannabis plant but no THC.
  • CBD isolate — Only contains CBD.


The cost of, for example, CBD isolate gummies is higher than CBD oil because of the extra labor than goes into turning CBD extract into a gummy.

Finally, CBD edibles are essentially candies. Some brands can contain a lot of sugar, which isn’t good for every health condition or if you’re watching your calories.

What are CBD Gummies?

Key Differences Between CBD Oil and CBD Gummies

  1. Usage

CBD gummies are intended to be chewed. That’s the only way you can consume them. It’s easy to pop them in the mouth and chew them as they are discreet. Gummies are available in different milligrams, sweet and sour varieties, and flavors, and you don’t need to worry about dosing.

On the other hand, there’s a learning curve to using CBD oil tinctures. This takes time, patience, and consistency until you find the best dose for you. However, CBD oil can be used in many different ways. You can consume it by dropping it under the tongue, add to food or drink, or apply to the skin. 

  1. Absorption and Duration

A CBD gummy is an edible product, so it needs to be absorbed through the digestive system. This takes time and is a slow process. You won’t feel the effects of CBD gummies for an hour.

CBD oil provides much more rapid results when applied under the tongue. This allows all cannabinoids to enter the bloodstream through thin membranes under the tongue, and you’ll notice effects in about 20 minutes. This is a better choice if you need results straight away, for example, for pain relief.

The effects of CBD oil are noticeable for two to six hours, and of CBD edibles, from four to six hours.

  1. Dosage

You don’t have to worry about CBD dosage when using CBD gummies. Each gummy is infused with a dosage. However, it’s easy to take CBD gummies in uncontrolled amounts, so you should allow some time to pass between doses.

On the other hand, CBD oil doesn’t come with a predetermined dose. You need to measure the dose with the dropper. You should always check the directions on the label and follow them. Start with a small dose, for example, half a dropper, to check the effects and increase as needed.

  1. Flavor

CBD gummies are edible and fun. They are available in a wide range of flavors and are great if you have a sweet tooth, but you can also get some sour versions.

CBD oil has an earthy flavor that not everyone likes. Some oils have different flavors, but these are mostly classic, such as lemon. You can mix them with food and drinks, for example, soup or smoothies.  


What CBD Product is For You?

Think about your needs when deciding what’s the best CBD product for you. For example, if you don’t want to worry about the proper dose, and want a delicious treat, go for CBD gummies. But, if you want something that has fast results, and don’t mind deciding on the dose, choose CBD tinctures. 

Generally, stick to hemp-derived CBD products, as they are legal under the Farm Bill


Note: You can go for full-spectrum CBD gummies or CBD oil products, but make sure the manufacturer lists the amount of THC. It should be under 0.3% for the CBD edible to be legal.


In Conclusion

When choosing CBD oil vs. gummies, make sure to think about all of their differences. Generally, CBD gummies tend to be more expensive because of the extracting CBD process. Stick to hemp plant products, as these are legal. 

Finally, make sure to carefully read the label instructions, and start with a low dose if you’ve never used CBD before. 



Grinspoon, P. (2018, August 24). Cannabidiol (CBD) — what we know and what we don’t – Harvard Health Blog. Harvard Health Blog; Harvard Health Publishing. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/cannabidiol-cbd-what-we-know-and-what-we-dont

Farm Bill. (n.d.). Www.usda.gov. https://www.usda.gov/farmbill 

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