CBD for Pain Relief: How Cannabidiol is Helping Improve Quality of Life

Cannabidiol (CBD) has gained immense popularity for various reasons. Since it doesn’t have the intoxicating effects of THC, cannabidiol is thought to have several health benefits. Generally, cannabinoids, like THC and CBD, interact with specific receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system regulates various body functions, from motor and energy balance to emotional response.

While CBD oils have increased, scientists haven’t found conclusive results on CBD’s analgesic abilities. Nonetheless, below are a few findings about the use of CBD for pain relief you should know.

What is CBD?

CBD or cannabidiol is among the more than 100 cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. A cannabinoid is a general term for various compounds in hemp and cannabis Sativa plants. CBD and THC are the two main cannabinoids. THC is widely associated with the high feelings cannabis users experience, but CBD doesn’t have the high sensations.

CBD is legal federally and in some states. CBD products generally include formulations, such as ingestible oils and topical creams created from hemp-derived CBD products.

What are the Effects of CBD?

CBD has several effects on the body. Among them include:

  • Anti-inflammatory – it reduces or neutralizes the inflammation in the body.
  • Anti-oxidative – it fights oxidative stress and alleviates common symptoms associated with autoimmune disorders, such as lupus.
  • Antiemetic – it can treat cancer-treatment-associated nausea and vomiting.
  • Anti-psychotic – it eases PTSD and anxiety symptoms.
  • Neuroprotective – it slows the development and progression of neurological conditions, such as multiple sclerosis.

How Can CBD Help with Pain Relief?

As mentioned, CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system

The ECS primarily has three components:

  • Cannabinoid receptors – includes CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 is found in the CNS and regulates the emotional and cognitive effects of cannabis and pain-related behavior. CB2 receptors are common in the PNS and the immune cells.
  • Endogenous cannabinoids – these are cannabinoids produced by the body.
  • Enzymes – these are tasked with facilitating the breakdown and absorption of cannabinoids.

The ECS only activates on demand. Therefore, when the body feels pain or inflammation, it releases endocannabinoids, which bind to the cannabinoid receptors to produce the desired effect. CBD doesn’t bind directly to cannabinoid receptors; instead, it boosts or hinders the functioning of essential components of the ECS.

Pain relieving effects of CBD include:

  • Reduces pain signals – CBD stimulates the reuptake of adenosine neurotransmitters in the brain, which inhibit pain sensation. CBD also binds with TPRV1 receptors, blocking pain sensations from reaching the brain processing centers.
  • Reduces inflammation – CBD oil alleviates neuropathic pain by moderating the body’s hyperalgesia or abnormal pain response.
  • Increases immune response – CBD decreases pro-inflammatory cytokines levels and proliferation of T-cells, modulating the immune response.
  • Improves mood and sleep – chronic pain often interferes with daily activities. It also causes anxiety, depression, fatigue, and insomnia. CBD helps users relax and get restful sleep.

CBD can alleviate pain from arthritis pain, multiple sclerosis, cancer pain, and Alzheimer’s based on these methodologies.

Best CBD Products to Relieve Pain?

Some of the best CBD products for pain management include:

  1. Keoni CBD Pain Rub and – is probably the best CBD for pain and arthritis, and it supports healthy joints by alleviating joint pain and stiffness typical of arthritis. It is a full-spectrum CBD with other potential health benefits.
  2. Keoni CBD Relief Roll-Ons for muscle and joints – it is the best broad-spectrum CBD for muscle and joint aches. Its ingredients include a proprietary formulation which eases muscle aches and pain.

How to Use CBD Pain Relief Products Effectively

The legality and illegality associated with the use of medical marijuana make the process of choosing CBD pain relief products complicated. 

However, below are tips on how to use CBD products for effective pain relief:

  • Know the CBD type – you should choose between CBD isolates, broad spectrum, and full spectrum CBD products. Consult a healthcare professional for guidance on choosing from these three CBD types.
  • Anticipate the entourage effect – this refers to the synergistic functioning of various compounds in full and broad-spectrum CBD. The entourage effect offers benefits that CBD isolates can’t.
  • Choose CBD products that fit your needs – you should select a product depending on your pain level, personal preference on the route of administration and mg of CBD, and the anticipated effect. For instance, if you need immediate effect, use CBD topicals. Avoid nonprescription CBD products.

Best Place to Buy CBD for Pain Products

The CBD market remains largely unregulated in the U.S. While CBD generally has a safe profile, you should be cautious to avoid products with undeclared THC. You can buy CBD for pain products from dispensaries or online stores. However, ensure that you purchase directly from the manufacturer, choose products from reputable brands, and select those with organic sourcing.


CBD products undoubtedly have unlimited benefits for the body. While research regarding CBD safety is ongoing, no serious concerns associated with using CBD to treat pain have been raised. However, you should consult your healthcare provider, as CBD can interact with OTC drugs used to treat arthritis.


  1. “Global Cannabidiol Market Size, Share, Industry Analysis, 2030.” Global Cannabidiol Market Size, Share, Industry Analysis, 2030, https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/cannabidiol-cbd-market.
  2. Atakan, Zerrin. “Cannabis, a Complex Plant: Different Compounds and Different Effects on Individuals.” Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, SAGE Publications, Dec. 2012, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3736954/.
  3. Peter Grinspoon, MD. “Cannabidiol (CBD): What We Know and What We Don’t.” Harvard Health, 24 Sept. 2021, https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/cannabidiol-cbd-what-we-know-and-what-we-dont-2018082414476.
  4. BioLyfe CBD. (2022). Buy CBD Online. Available at: https://biolyfebrands.com/product-category/cbd/
  5. Zou, Shenglong, and Ujendra Kumar. “Cannabinoid Receptors and the Endocannabinoid System: Signaling and Function in the Central Nervous System.” International Journal of Molecular Sciences, MDPI, 13 Mar. 2018, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5877694/.

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