Best Time of the Day to Take CBD Oil

More and more people are becoming aware of the health benefits of CBD oils, as research shows they can help with headaches, anxiety, sleep issues, and other health problems. But, many users, especially new ones, have questions about when and how to take CBD oil for the best results.

I’ve been using CBD oil for over a year. I tried different brands to find the one that works best for me, and I’ve experimented with taking CBD oil at different times of the day. Today, I’ll explain when you should take CBD oil, depending on your intentions.


Quick Summary

  • CBD oil is a chemical compound from the cannabis plant.
  • When’s the best time to take CBD oil depends on what you’re taking it for.
  • CBD oil works with the endocannabinoid system to regulate body functions.


What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil, or cannabidiol oil, is a chemical compound derived from cannabis. This is one of the cannabinoids found in marijuana plants. 

Even though it comes from a marijuana plant, it doesn’t cause a high feeling (intoxication is caused by a different cannabinoid called THC).

CBD is commonly extracted from the hemp plant, which has low amounts of THC, so CBD oil isn’t intoxicating. 

Apart from CBD, these oils commonly contain other ingredients. The most common are carrier oils, such as coconut and olive oil, amino acids, and others that provide health benefits.


When is the Best Time to Take CBD Oil?

When’s the best time to take CBD oil depends on why you’re taking it, your needs, and your routines. 

Many people like to take CBD drops in the morning to help them focus and kickstart the day with CBD benefits. But others like consuming CBD in the evening before going to bed for better sleep. Then, some users take CBD oil products in small doses throughout the day, usually for help with chronic pain. 

While there’s no one-answer-fits-all on when to take CBD, here’s a breakdown of what you can achieve by taking CBD oil in the morning and evening.

Why Take CBD Oil in the Morning

There are several reasons for taking CBD oil in the morning.

Better Focus

If you struggle with brain fog in the morning, CBD oil can help. It provides a calming sensation and helps you feel balanced. CBD increases protein synthesis in parts of the brain in charge of feeling awake. 

It’s best to take CBD capsules or oil in the morning if you want to stay focused all day long and keep stress at bay. 


Better Response to Stress

Taking CBD in the morning also helps ease anxiety. For example, if you have an important meeting at work, a school test, or another important moment in life.

CBD interacts with the cannabinoid receptors in the brain, which results in a relaxed feeling. 

CBD also influences the GABA receptor (the receptor that reduces hyperactivity).

Relaxes Muscles

CBD can help you relax muscles. For example, if you had a sleepless night, or went too hard at the gym the day before, take CBD oil together with CBD topicals, such as a cooling gel, to relieve soreness.

Better Workout

CBD oil can also make your morning workout more effective. You can use the oil before the workout to warm up the muscles or after the workout to speed up the regeneration process and recover faster. 


Tip: You can add a few drops of full-spectrum CBD oil to your pre-workout drink for better physical endurance.


Why Take CBD Oil at Night

Here are all the reasons you should take CBD oil at night. 

Relax After a Difficult Day

If you feel drained of energy after a long day at school or work or have an evening event, CBD can help you relax. 

Taking CBD drops in the evening will slow down the mind and breathing. It has a sedating effect, so it’s good if you have trouble falling asleep.

Better Sleep Quality

One of the most common reasons people use CBD, apart from pain relief, is for better sleep. CBD oil modulates different stages of sleep. It calms down the mind so you can fall asleep faster.

CBD oil can also reduce disorders during the REM stage. This means there are fewer abrupt body movements and tremors.

Finally, CBD oil can extend the time you spend in the deep sleep stage, which means better sleep and regeneration.

Slow Down the Mind Before Going to Bed

We all know the feeling of feeling bone tired but unable to go to sleep because our minds can’t stop racing. CBD can induce a feeling of calmness if taken before bed. This is a great way to calm down, slow down your brain, and protect yourself against harmful thoughts before falling asleep.

Having a very stressful day or being exposed to a lot of stimuli during the day can affect the nervous system. If the brain is too wired, it can’t slow down, so taking CBD helps.

While there’s no clear answer on how much CBD to take before going to bed, it’s best to go with a high dose to calm down a racing mind.


Other Benefits of CBD 

These are other benefits of CBD:

  • Provide pain relief — Our bodies have an endocannabinoid system, which regulates functions such as sleep, appetite, immune system, and others. CBD affects this system by reducing inflammation. CBD can help with nerve pain, back pain, multiple sclerosis, and arthritis. 
  • Helps mental health disorders — CBD has therapeutic benefits for disorders such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD
  • Alleviates cancer symptoms — CBD can reduce cancer-related symptoms, especially nausea, pain, and vomiting. 
  • Better heart health — CBD can lower high blood pressure, which prevents stroke and heart attack. 


When Should You Take CBD Oil?

When you should take CBD oil depends on why you’re taking the oil. For example, if you want better focus throughout the day, or a more effective workout, take CBD oil in the morning. But, if you want to relax after a long day and sleep better, take oil in the evening.

Always read the information on the label and follow the instructions for taking CBD oil for the best results.



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